Advantages Of On-Site Concrete Batching Plants

There is no denying the fact that an on-site concrete batching plant is a great addition to any construction site. There was a time when the quality of on-site plants left a lot to be desired but thanks to the advances in technology, these days high quality plants are available at an affordable price and this is one of the reasons, most of the companies involved in construction projects prefer to have an on-site batching plant in order to make things easy.

on-site concrete batching plant
on-site concrete batching plant

One of the biggest advantages of having a concrete plant on-site is the ready availability of high-quality concrete mixes. Since concrete is the most widely used construction material in any kind of construction, an on-site plant ensures quick pace of completion, especially due to the fact that different types of mixes can be prepared quickly depending on the requirements of the project. This saves money on labor costs as concrete is always available for workers to pour at the construction site. Simply put, availability of on-site concrete batching plant is highly productive and efficient.

Most construction companies prefer having a batching plant at the construction site as it allows them to meet their deadlines in the most efficient manner. Having readily available concrete means the workforce is always working and the hired equipment is always being used.

If there is no concrete batching plant available on-site and construction companies have to rely on a concrete supplier for delivery of concrete, it typically leads to huge delays. Any delay in concrete supply will not only affect the construction schedule but will also cost a lot of money in terms of labor costs as well as the cost of hired equipment. Needless to say, a concrete supplier is always going to charge higher prices as compared to the cost of preparing your own concrete mix at the construction site. Your concrete supply might also get disrupted due to accidents or traffic issues or various other issues.

concrete batching plant specifications
concrete batching plant

With an on-site plant, you also have the assurance that the concrete is prepared to the exact concrete batching plant specifications as well as in exact quantities. There is minimal wastage. When concrete is available continually, it offers a lot of flexibility with the result being highly efficient construction projects. On-site plants are portable which means these can be easily disassembled quickly and moved on to the next site when needed.

Overall, a concrete batching plant offers a number of advantages for construction companies as it helps them in cutting down the costs and increasing their profit margins. An on-site plant helps in keeping the quality of concrete consistent and making sure that there is minimal wastage as only that much amount is prepared that is actually needed at the site:

There was a time when concrete batching plants were not available in portable form and contractors had to rely on centralized plants in order to get a steady supply of concrete. Thanks to the advancements in technology, a concrete production plant is now readily available at affordable prices making life easy for construction companies. If you are in the construction business, you should seriously think about buying your own on-site concrete batching plant to make your construction projects more efficient and to increase your profits.