How Gantry Cranes Perform In Different Working Conditions

There are so many different businesses in the world today that utilize gantry cranes. The type of merchandise that you work with, and the location of your business, can dictate which type of crane you actually obtain. Different cranes are used in different working conditions as well. There are some that are designed for indoor work, whereas others are best suited for operating outdoors. This is how you can tell which gantry crane you will need for your business based upon the working conditions at your facility.

What Is The Main Purpose For A Gantry Cranes

Once a gantry crane is installed, it will serve a very particular purpose. For example, if you are installing a rubber-tired gantry crane at a shipping yard, these are designed to lift massive amounts of weight such as containers and stack them a couple of stories in the air. If this is an indoor gantry crane, these are typically mounted to runway beams so they can move at high speeds throughout the warehouse. These are constructed with either a single or double girders system. If there are two overhead beams (dos vigas principales), these are designed for lifting higher amounts of weight. There are also different components on these including trolleys, bridge drive wheels, and many other components. Therefore, the primary purpose of a gantry crane is lifting heavy objects.

How Each One Will Perform In Different Working Conditions

If this is an outdoor crane, you will likely have a full gantry crane system. These will stand on their own support structure, typically two legs that are either permanently installed in the ground or will be connected to a rail system. They may also have rubber tires that give them mobility. These units can be used for loading and unloading ships that are at the dock. On the other hand, if it is indoors, the working conditions are different. You are striving for speed, moving and stacking different items, and lifting merchandise that is not as heavy. In some cases, such as with an explosion-proof gantry crane, these are designed to work in areas with high temperatures. Underhung and top running bridge cranes are used depending upon the height of the ceiling of that structure.

Can You Ever Substitute One For The Other?

In most cases, you need to get the exact gantry crane that is necessary for the job. You would not be able to put a semi gantry crane, designed to work with the exterior of a warehouse, inside of the building. A full gantry crane would simply not fit inside of the structure. Therefore, you must consider the size of the gantry crane, how much weight it can lift, and whether or not it needs to be mobile when making your choice. You should also consider other variables that can help you make your decision.

Other variables to consider will be the lifting height, lifting speed, and the hydraulic system that is attached. You should also consider the motor, the power system, and how elaborate the controls are. As you sift through the many listings with the specifications for each one, one of these units will stand out. As long as you are obtaining a gantry crane based upon the working conditions where it will be needed, you should always make the proper choice. Click for more information of gantry crane.